Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and Read

Purple Wall | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES Roosevelt Group

I’m sad to say that this is my last official look for summer. Despite the fact that it’s stinking hot outside, I need to accept that its time to make the transition. Rather than being all depressed, I thought it would be fun to end summer on a “purple” note. Just a few weeks back, Jason and I ventured over to Cincinnati for the Johnnyswim concert and spent most of Saturdaymorning exploring downtown. While I would love to say that we magically happened upon this purple wall, I remember seeing it via a friend’s Instagram and just knew that I had to shoot there! A few phone calls and directions later, we found the purple wall! My day was made : ) 

I hope you guys enjoy the long weekend! I’ll be running around like a crazy lady…second shooting a wedding, attending FMMF, packing and then off to Miss America! Per the usual, you can follow along via Snapchat or Instagram {@candacemread}. I must admit..I’m totally digging the Snapchat thing these days.

Get The Look: 


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