Overly | Live Love and Read

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There are a couple of things that I have mad love for these days and they are: stripes, over-sized sweaters and baseball caps. Put all three of those together and I’m in style heaven! Just a few days ago, I was looking at a blog post from just last year and I found it pretty cool to see how my personal style has evolved since then. I’ve always considered myself to be adventurous with my clothing choices, but as of recent, I am looking more abstract with combos like stripes, over-sized sweaters and baseball caps, which is most defintely a combo that I would not have worn a year ago! ha. As I continue to grow older, I feel that I am really beginning to embrace my own identity, both in real life, style life, work life, etc. I’m ok with not being “normal” or “expected”…I’m just happy to be me! So, when you find me wearing unusually abstract combos such as this, just know that I am simply being me and allowing my clothing to be an extension of who I am. Style is truly personal. And while I believe it is good to have style icons, don’t allow their style to define you! Simply take elements of things you love and apply it to YOU! And yes, this note even applies to the inspiration you find here on Live Love and Read! More than anything, I hope that you find this blog as a place of refuge to gather style creativity and inspiration and then make it your own! I guess I share all of that to say, wear what you like!

And for those of you who are wondering about the random spot on my face in the second to last picture…yes, it is a pimple. And no, I didn’t photoshop it out. Just wanted to remind you guys that I am indeed a real person and despite all the clothes and oodles of makeup, I too get pimples…#UGH. I’m still trying to understand why God would even create such a thing. Guess I can ask him about that one day!

Have a wonderful day! And don’t forget to simply be…YOU!

Get The Look:


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