Hello Lovas (in my Carrie Bradshaw voice), I’m back!!! The last couple of weeks have been pretty insane, but awesome! I am now a married lady living in good ole West Virginia for a couple of months with my sweet husband. Our wedding was spectacular. No worries details to come very soon. In the meantime here is a little photo sneak peek courtesy of Bryan Minear.


I am really excited about this new life chapter and have lots of things in the works!!! Just so you are in the know about everything here is what you can except from Live, Love and Read this summer:

1. New blog URL! See Above.  It was time to put on my big girl panties and commit to being a consistent blogger for my awesome READers.

2. Wedding blogs galore! For the remainder of June and part of July I will be giving you the skinny on the #HowardReadwedding (checkout this hashtag on Instagram). You name it, I’ll be covering it. Bridal fashion, photography, organization and much more.

3. Revamping www.candacemread-archives.com.  During my time away I had a lot of time to brainstorm about my brand and what I want to offer to the World. Welp, I have finally figured it out.  I must admit…it’s going to be awesome.  Using lots of new images from my sessions with Anna Kinchen Photography and Bryan Minear Photography.

And that’s about it! Thank you for  your continued patience with me. It truly means more than you know! Yay for blogging! Ha.



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