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Holiday ROMANCE with Ralph Lauren

I’m finding it incredibly hard to believe that this is the last weekend before Christmas. I think I would like to go ahead and put my request into Santa and ask for next December to go by super duper slow. I feel I haven’t had the opportunity to really marvel in the season, but that’s ok! In the words of my niece Rae “Candy, that’s just life.” 7 year old wisdom. Gah, the kid is incredibly smart!
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Irresistible Me

So, this marks the VERY FIRST EVER hair post here on Live Love and Read! Much like the long list of random topics found in the notes section of my iPhone, hair is something I’ve been wanting to start talking about for quite sometime. However, as you know, we get comfortable in our routine, which can often hinder us from venturing out of the box. With a little motivation from Irresistible Me, I’m pretty pumped to be stepping out of that complacency and sharing about hair!
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NYE Glam w/ Birchbox LOC

As many of you already know, I’m a huge lipstick lover! I truly believe that lipstick has the power to give your look that little bit of “umph” that it needs to be truly spectacular. Last year around this time, I wrote a post about NYE’s lipstick inspiration and I wanted to continue this little tradition, since I will not be purchasing something brand spanking new for New Year’s Eve.
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Birchbox Lovin’

I love makeup. I almost love makeup as much as I love clothes. Since my younger years, I’ve always been attracted to the pretty feminine things in life. Earrings, perfume, high heels, pocketbooks, lipstick…you name it and I’m positive that my mom would guarantee that I loved it. A few of you may remember this from a previous blog post, but for those of you who don’t, I was totally the kid who wore bright red lipstick by Jane for picture day.
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Daily Wind Down

Being a full-time student, wife and entrepreneur can definitely make for some long days!  Often times I wake up at the crack of dawn to get started on an always massively long to-do list, go to bed late and repeat again the next day. It’s a never-ending cycle of craziness. Thankfully, Caress® Daily SilkTM has become an integral part of my daily wind down process.  Yup, you heard me right…Caress®.
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The Jamberry Craze!

There’s just one thing that I love more than shopping for new clothes and that’s shopping for nail polish (according to my mom I use to call it paul- nailish when I was little girl). I have a pretty massive collection and frequently add to it. While I really enjoy painting my nails, sometimes my crazy schedule doesn’t allow for the extra time it requires.
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I wanted to continue our little chat about lipstick, but about nude instead of red. I will be the first to admit, I was not a fan of the whole nude lip trend when it came on the scene. In fact, I thought it was pretty silly, as I remember saying to myself, “Who wears nude lipstick when you can just wear no lipstick and get the same effect?” Silly Candace.

New Year’s Eve Lipstick Inspo {& giveaway winners}

My love for lipstick started at a very young age! In fact, I remember the first tube of lipstick that I ever purchased (well, my mom purchased it for me). I was 8 years old and it was a very bright red by Jane and I wore it for my school pictures, along with a red ballon dress and a turtleneck. Oh, the memories and yes, I will attempt to find that picture, so I can share with you all.
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