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Truthful Wednesdays: a few random things about #ohthosereads

With Valentine’s Day being the focus for the time being, it did not feel appropriate to share a super duper serious story for today’s dose of truth. So, here’s something a bit more light hearted, all while being completely transparent…..a few random things about Jason + I (affectionately known as #ohthosereads on Instagram)
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Truthful Wednesdays: Beautifully Disguised {aka Linen Closet Organization}

This Friday marks two months Jason and I having been living in our new space. While I would love to say that everything is perfectly done…it’s not. In fact, we have yet to mount our headboard. Our gallery wall is perfectly organized but still laying on the floor in the living room. Oh, and all of our curtains are too short for our new windows. hahaha. This is real life people.
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