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Good News Friday

I know, I know. It’s not actually GOOD FRIDAY, but I have some pretty stellar news and couldn’t think of a more fitting name for today’s post. As you guys may know, I graduated from graduate school last summer. While we already had plans to make the transition to Columbus, OH, a major reason why we moved here was so that I could pursue a career in Fashion.
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Stepping Into Fall

One of things I love most about Fashion is that it’s a continuous lifecycle. Seemingly all the cool styles and brands that I wore as a young gal are becoming staples in my life again. From turtlenecks to overalls to Keds, there’s a whole load of nostalgia happening in my wardrobe right now. Only difference is that I’m older. 
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How To Accessorize Your Look With Eyewear!

And hello 2-0-1-7. And yes, I am aware…I’m about a week late. However, I decided to take a much needed vacation from Instagram and publishing content here on the blog in hopes of recharging, reprioritizing and all that other fun adult stuff. There’s no doubt about it, I love doing what I do. However, to keep those creative juices flowing, I’ve learned there are moments in time when you simply need to pull away…so that’s exactly what I did. And now I am BACK.
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Living COLOR

It’s very likely that you follow a number of style influencers, which likely means that you’ve had more than your fair share of holiday style talk. ha. Well, if it makes you feel in any better, I am too semi-over  it! In hopes of breaking up the monotony, here’s a VERY BRIGHT, COLORFUL, non-holiday related look for ya. #yourewelcome
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