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My Fall Essentials

I have to admit..the timing of today’s post could not be more perfect because it actually feels like FALL outside. This weekend’s weather was the very essence of Fall wanderlust. While I feel confident that these perfect fall temperatures won’t be sticking around too long for us, it always seems like we jump from Summer to Winter in 2.5 seconds with .5 seconds of Fall.
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Pumped Up Kicks

Despite the incredibly cool Instagram post and millions of glamorous Snap chats, NYFW is ROUGH on da body. Early mornings, late nights. Oh, and not to mention the 24/7 running around like a crazy lady. Often times you are running from activity to activity with very little time to eat or think before walking into your next meeting, event, etc.
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High & Low

It’s kinda hard to believe that around this time three Mondays ago, I was running around New York City like a crazy lady. Without a doubt, New York Fashion Week is one of the most exciting weeks of my year. And yes, I’m aware that I sound like Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.
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Cowboy Chic

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been pushing myself to explore new depths of my personal style. By pushing, I mean trying trends that I would not necessarily gravitate to. One of those being the bandana trend. Growing up we had bandanas everywhere, but normally just used them as head scarves for sleeping {#blackgrilhairprobs.LOL}.
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I wanted to continue our little chat about lipstick, but about nude instead of red. I will be the first to admit, I was not a fan of the whole nude lip trend when it came on the scene. In fact, I thought it was pretty silly, as I remember saying to myself, “Who wears nude lipstick when you can just wear no lipstick and get the same effect?” Silly Candace.
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