I have a confession. I am kinda anti-blue (not including blue jeans) and I am not sure why! Every now and then, I will force myself to purchase something blue and then literally wear it twice before I put it into the “I’m not wearing this ever again” pile. Ugh. So for 2014 I made it a goal to wear lots of blue and so far so good…I’m surviving! While shopping at Blue Door Boutique in Columbus, GA back in June, I happened upon this sweet little denim dress and just had to get it! Well, in typical Candace fashion I got home to discover that I didn’t love it as much as I did when I tried it on. After whining for approximately 2 days, I pulled myself together and tapped into my “extreme fashion creativity” to discover that I did indeed love this sweet little denim dress.

Feeling Blue

Feeling Blue Before anyone asks, no I’m not pregnant, even though it looks like I am in this picture! Too much coffee = bloated belly. One day I’ll think about not drinking coffee before a blog shoot so I can avoid this problem. In the meantime, I will just continue to put “I’m not pregnant” disclaimers.  #firstworldproblems #iamobsessedwithcoffee

Feeling Blue

Vintage Ralph Lauren Blazer Pinky rings and Ralph Lauren blazers were made for one another. It’s soooo preppy and I love it. But on a more serious note, the only reason I purchased this blazer back in 2010 was for the beautiful, gold Ralph Lauren crest. I just love how it has the ability to be the focal point of an ensemble depending on how it is styled. The combination of the light ombre denim dress and the deep navy jacket makes the crest bold and vibrant. 

Feeling Blue Oh, ya know just doing what I do best…hashtagging on social media!  Y’all. Hashtagging has become a serious epidemic in our society! 

Feeling Blue

Gold Oxfords Let’s just take a moment and celebrate how wonderful these shoes are! I found these puppies at TJ Maxx in early April for $39.99. I actually ran by TJ Maxx last week to discover they now have these in silver! You should totally get a pair so I can vicariously wear them (Jason has placed me on shopping restriction…hehe). 

Feeling BlueDear label less bag from TJ Maxx, why are you so amazing? I promise to take care of you for the rest of…FOREVER. lol.  For those of you who don’t know the story behind this bag, please click HERE for the inside scoop. 

If you find yourself “feeling blue” about a piece in your wardrobe, just take a step back and try it again when you are not so emotional. I know I’ve spoken about “trying again” on several #GTLT‘s this summer, but I just truly want you to understand the thought process! Fashion is a language and it takes time to develop…just a thought for ya : )

“Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret in reality.”  -Karl Lagerfeld

Also, I am excited to announce that the winner of the $25 e-gift card from Pink Blush Boutique is Jodi Edwards! Jodi, please shoot me an e-mail using the “Contact Candace” function above and we will get things rocking and rolling for you! Again, thanks to everyone who participated. I’ll be hosting another giveaway next Thursday, so please stay tuned! It’s going to be wondtacular!

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ALL IMAGES © 2014 Kimberly J Photography

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