
Welp, guys and gals…today is Live, Love and Read’s very 1st birthday and I could not be more excited! For those of you who do not know, blogging is quite the task and I am so very thankful that I have managed to be CONSISTENT for ONE ENTIRE YEAR. During this time I have discovered a new passion for fashion and blogging. Also, I have a new sense of what hard work, dedication and persistence means. woot woot. Sooo…now onto THANK YOU’S…this blog birthday would not have been possible without the continued encouragement from a few peeps:

  1. Jason- my fantastic husband and editor
  2. Katelyn- my wondtacular sister-in-law and photographer
  3. Charlotte- my lovely mom and #1 FAN
  4. Vanessa- my bestest frand and fellow fashionista
  5. LLR Readers- my amazingly awesome and loyal readers…thank you, thank you, thank you! I truly could not have done it without YOUR readership!





Hip, Hip, Hooray for 1st birthday’s and many more to come!

Outfit Details: 

          **Cupcake Courtesy of The Little Stir**


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