Easy Like Friday

Because Friday is the perfect day for easy like style, is there really much more to say? Nope, I don’t think so! Well, I guess I should mention that it is likely that you will see this dress again soon, because I wore it this past week and photographed in it…haha. There’s just something about a striped black and white dress. Simply classic.

Edgy American Prep

I’m just going to be honest…deep down inside…I consider myself a bit of a prep. But not like a regular prep, because I think my preppiness has a bit more edginess. I think it’s that little hint of edgy that makes my preppy-esque looks a bit more interesting and not so expected. As you may be thinking, a striped button down and denim shorts are standard prep pieces and you are indeed right.

It’s MY Birthday!

The most perfect date? Obviously I’m going to have to say June 25th and that’s because IT’S MY BIRTHDAY. Today I’ve officially been on planet Earth for 27 years. Yes, 27 years! I’m currently sitting at my best friend Vanessa’s place {the pretty hazelnut girl with the curly big hair who’s been in my snaps lately} in Atlanta, just thinking about all of the awesome things that have happened this year.
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