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The Beauty of Unexpected Friendships

It’s funny to think that as life changes, so do your friendships and relationships with others. To be honest, I don’t think that is something that most of us like to think about. However, it is a simple reality of life.  While this season of life can be brutally painful, it is also amazingly wonderful to see what new friendships come to the surface.
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A Holiday Gift For The Beauty Lovin’ Gal

While I know I often start every post like this, you gals are fully aware of my love for beauty products. I mean, I’ve devoted every ounce of my bathroom storage to beauty products! It could borderline be an issue, but we won’t go there for now.  As you may have read in another post from this week (or a previous holiday post), I’ve made it my new life goal to gift intentionally!
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Bell Sleeves + Holiday Sequins

The first weekend of December has already come and gone…we are officially in full Holiday mode! If your schedule is anything like mine, this upcoming weekend commences the first wave of holiday parties/gatherings. For nearly 11 months of the entire year, I do everything in my power to reserve holiday sequins for the month of December ONLY. There’s just something about sequins in December that make me one happy camper.
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Monday Blues + Orange Suede Shoes

Now that I actually have to get up on Mondays…I can honestly say…those Monday Blues are REAL. I love a fresh start to the week, but the weekend seemingly just whips by and before you know it, it’s time to start all over again. Sigh. Such is life or Jason would say, “Welcome to the real world Candace.” While I may not be the fondest of Mondays these days, I will say that I’m pretty darn proud of the level of consistency that’s been happening with the site since I started with Wardrobe Therapy.
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