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Back To School: The Graduate School Edition

And just like that, it’s already time for school to commence again! Well, not for me, but for all the kiddos and college students out there. I’m finding it a little hard to believe that I have been done with graduate school for exactly a year and two months NOW. While I miss the idea and routine of school, I don’t actually miss “school.”
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A Few of My Favorite Things: Vol. 2

It’s definitely been a long time coming, but I’m excited to be back with Vol 2 of A Few of My Favorite Things! If you want the LONG STORY as to why I started this new series on the blog, I encourage you to shoot over to the inaugural post HERE. But here’s the reader’s digest version, just in case…I simply wanted to create an opportunity for my readers to experience products/brands that I have grown to love, hence the creation of A Few of My Favorite Things.
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Truthful Wednesdays: Inconsistencies

I feel like it’s pretty safe to cue Brittany Spear’s “Ooops, I Did It Again.” Inconsistency has definitely been my middle name for the last couple of weeks. To be completely honest, life has been serving me all kinds of curveballs. From personal things to work things to life things…I’ve been hardcore riding the struggle bus in the creative department.
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Off-The Shoulder Blues

One of the things that I’ve been doing quite a bit lately is collaborating with other creatives here in Columbus! There’s no doubt about it, Columbus is busting at the seams with creativity. From fellow stylists, event planners, fashion designers, graphic designers, photographers, you name it. One of the things I love most about working with other creatives, is how it naturally stretches you.
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