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Right As Rain

Currently jamming out to Adele’s “Right As Rain”. Such a great song. Also, can we please talk about how epic her first album was? I totally forgot how good it was until I took a listen this morning. I’m still feeling a little salty that I wasn’t able to get tickets to her recent tour…ugh. I digress.
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High & Low

It’s kinda hard to believe that around this time three Mondays ago, I was running around New York City like a crazy lady. Without a doubt, New York Fashion Week is one of the most exciting weeks of my year. And yes, I’m aware that I sound like Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.
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BTS w/ Meijer Style

Exactly two weeks ago today, I was wrapping up with my adventure in Grand Rapids to visit the Meijer Style Team. To say that I had a wonderful time would literally be an understatement. Not only did I have the opportunity to meet, hang out and chit-chat with some pretty cool peeps from Meijer, but I also connected with some pretty groovy Midwest bloggers who I undoubtedly call friends now!
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Truthful Wednesdays: Beautifully Disguised {aka Linen Closet Organization}

This Friday marks two months Jason and I having been living in our new space. While I would love to say that everything is perfectly done…it’s not. In fact, we have yet to mount our headboard. Our gallery wall is perfectly organized but still laying on the floor in the living room. Oh, and all of our curtains are too short for our new windows. hahaha. This is real life people.
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