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Stepping Into Fall

One of things I love most about Fashion is that it’s a continuous lifecycle. Seemingly all the cool styles and brands that I wore as a young gal are becoming staples in my life again. From turtlenecks to overalls to Keds, there’s a whole load of nostalgia happening in my wardrobe right now. Only difference is that I’m older. 
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Downtown Prep

Rather than taking advantage of that extra hour sleep, I spent most of Sunday night attempting to get my life together. Ugh. I am beginning to learn that getting your life together is an on-going process. haha. While getting my life together {mostly the blog’s life} I realized that I had not shared this downtown prepster look with you guys.
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High & Low

It’s kinda hard to believe that around this time three Mondays ago, I was running around New York City like a crazy lady. Without a doubt, New York Fashion Week is one of the most exciting weeks of my year. And yes, I’m aware that I sound like Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.
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Less Is MORE

For those of you who know me personally or have been following me here on the blog for quite sometime, know that I truly believe in the sentiment, “LESS is really MORE.” I gotta admit this mindset was not always one that I lived by. In fact, there have been times in my life where I was soooo obsessed with stuff.
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Halo Top

I’m still in awe of the crazy December weather we had last month! In fact, I kinda wish we having that weather today rather than the below freezing temperatures we are currently having. But let’s be honest, we all knew that when it got cold, it would not be pretty!
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