Many moons ago, I vowed to dedicate Wednesdays to more “truthful” and honest content. Well, I have not exactly kept that vow, as I’ve been experiencing some issues in the creativity department. However, I am back and back on track! With Valentine’s Day being the focus for the time being, it did not feel appropriate to share a super duper serious story for today’s dose of truth. So, here’s something a bit more light hearted, all while being completely transparent…a few random things about Jason + I (affectionately known as #ohthosereads on Instagram):

1.  Jason and I first walked down the aisle together in September of 2011 at his brother’s wedding.

2. While we talked for awhile before actually dating, we only dated for 3 months before he asked me to be his forever girlfriend! He popped the question during a birthday dinner party that I had planned for myself. Ha.

3. I’m a total home body and Jason is Mr. Get Out & Go. On most occasions, I’d rather stay home.

4. We have a huge desire to travel the world. Our current travel bucket list includes: Italy, Iceland, Hawaii, Spain, Cuba and a few others.

5. We have a major thing for coffee shops. Anytime we travel, we are on a mission to discover the best local coffee! While we love the coffee, we are most interested in the overall atmosphere of the spot!

6. Another random thing we love is CALAMARI. If a restaurant has it on their menu, without a doubt we are trying it! We love calamari, but the true test is the dipping sauce!

7. Jason fries the chicken in our relationship, which is really strange on so many levels, as I am a Southerner and African American.

8. I am more passive and Jason is strong willed.

9. Jason does ALL THE DRIVING. In his words “Reads drive.” I’m a Read now and he still won’t let me drive him around. LOL.

10. While we are not pregnant, we hope to have 4 little #ohthosereads! We have first and middle names picked out (and even a few back ups in the event that God does not fulfill our gender request).

Get The Look: 




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