By now, I am sure that you guys already know who is Katelyn is! But just in case you don’t…take a peek HERE.

Well, just 2 weeks ago she had the opportunity to perform with Anthony Mossburg (his tunes are available for purchase via iTunes…and yes, you should check him out!) for his album debut at the Smoot Theater in Parkersburg. When Katelyn told me back in November that she would be performing along side Anthony, I immediately volunteered myself to be her stylist! And here’s the best part…SHE AGREED! ha. After countless hours of picture text messaging and pinning to one another, we created a look that was absolutely perfect for the performance. Say hello to Sandra D. (and big thank you to Christopher Read (Kate’s husband) for coming up with that title).

Sandra D. 





Look at that ink? Katelyn designed it herself. Another one of her many talents. She’s an artist…ugh, so jealous.


Katelyn’s personal style is all about femininity! It’s not uncommon to find her wearing a long broomstick skirt, a muted cardigan and a crown braid. At heart she’s an eclectic, yet trendy hippie. lol. So for this look, it was very important that we maintained that “soft feminine” concept to reflect KATELYN’s personality and not just some other performer. To give it that effect, we decided to go with this lovely floral textured lace top by Mima Chica.


 Adding the bangles was a nice way to accessorize the look with creating too much fuss. Also, Alex and Ani is just an obsession that all of the Read girls have! And yes, I’m the one who started it.


In continuing with the feminine concept, we went with a t-strap heel. And nothing screams feminine like a good ole fashioned t-strap heel! Also, what I particularly love about these shoes with this look is the velvet trim. It adds texture and you guys know that I love mixing textures. It gives an outfit LIFE. 




That’s Anthony! I gave him the fashion ok to wear the beanie. 






Sing it Sandra D.



Sweet Raeleigh was pretty excited about momma’s performance and I quote, “Candace, this is soooo exciting. I’ve never seen momma and Anthony play together in real life, just those videos. This is going to be great!”


Katelyn’s #1 fans..The Dye/Read Family! Just missing two peeps..Baby Lucas and Allison.

Today’s moral…THERE’S ALWAYS A WAY! Everyone has a signature style. Those things that you really enjoy wearing. Those things that make you feel…YOU. That’s your signature style. But sometimes it can be hard to remain true to that when fashion is evolving so rapidly, producing new trends daily and you barely even had a chance to master the last trend. Well, here’s the thing to remember…when new trends come out (i.e. faux leather) its completely ok to give them a whirl, just make sure that you combine a little piece of YOURSELF (i.e. for Katelyn’s look… making sure there were elements of soft femininity). The beautiful thing about fashion is seeing how individuals take these trend concepts and make them their own. Style is about personal interpretation. So, what I guess I’m trying to say in a nutshell…you can ALWAYS find a way to combine the old (your personal style) with the new (the latest fashion trends). The KEY is to simply remain true to who you are and giving yourself a little time to discover how personal style and ever changing trends can coexist.

P.S. Katelyn has a brand spanking new website. Be sure to stop by and show her some love!

Get The Look Details: 

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