Although I consider myself a city girl, there is something quite amazing about the country. It’s calming, quiet and absolutely beautiful. After receiving an invitation from my dear friend, Kelly Kramer to come out to her farm to take pictures, I jumped on the opportunity and began outfit planning. Knowing there would be an immense amount of dry land from the harsh winter, I thought it would be kinda cool to do a country-esque safari look. A little khaki, hunter green and camel brown of course. Also, I’ve been dying to style my new boots for a blog shoot and this felt like the perfect atmosphere. Ok, enough of my jibber jabber. Enjoy a little “Dry Land” courtesy of the Kramer farm and Kimberly’s excellent picture taking skills.

Dry Land



After a brutal 9 months in NYC, I ruined by first real pair of riding boots. I was pretty bummed. So for Christmas I begged (maybe even cried) for a new pair of boots! Once Jason agreed, I began the hunt and finally settled on these beauties. BCBGeneration ‘Joseff Harness Boots. Not only was the color everything my little heart desired, but the price was AWESOME…$112 and free shipping via Zappos! Now you cannot beat that. See the link below if you are interested in snagging a pair of these boots before it’s too late.




If I could have only straightened my left knee a little more…this would have been a perfect action shot. Kim and I have been all about dancing photos at our last few shoots! So fun.



This scarf. The best $18 I’ve ever spent. Ok, as for the sweater…I’ve had this puppy since my undergrad days at Valdosta State University. It’s from American Eagle and I love the fact that it’s seasonal! I can wear it in the summer with shorts or in the winter with jeans and a chunky scarf. P.S. I should mention…I ripped the front of it in hopes of making it more “off the shoulder,” but I absolutely refuse to get rid of it because I know I won’t find another. I’ll probably take it to the seamstress for a little TLC at some point.


Just in case you guys have noticed, I’m about the neutrals. Also, I cannot get over how well this jacket photographs. I already loved it, but I see it in this photo and I fall in love with it all over again. Now that is indeed confirmation that my money was well spent! 



For the last few months, I have had quite a few people to ask me what my thought process is when layering jewelry. And now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I honestly think it’s a confidence thing! You have to be confident enough to know there is no  right or wrong way to layer your accessories…it’s all about your comfort level and personal style. So for those of you who are minimalist in your layering because of uncertainty, I say…STACK THAT JEWELRY HIGH! You can do no wrong. Oh yes, the large silver bracelet  is a spoon! Pretty cool, huh? 


If you even knew what we went thru to capture this picture, you would laugh. 




This is Jonathan, Kelly’s son, who tagged along with us for the day. Isn’t he a cutie? Not to worry…you’ll be seeing more of this handsome stud in future #GTLTs. 


This was my first time EVER touching a horse. For those of you who know me personally…this is a BIG DEAL. 

Today’s #GTLT moral includes a couple of things:

1. Don’t be afraid to mix prints! As you see, I am wearing a striped sweater and a cheetah print scarf. Two completely different prints, but they totally compliment each other. The key is to make sure that the colors are well-balanced.

2. STACK THAT JEWELRY HIGH! The only way you’ll ever get comfortable with having lots of arm/finger candy is to simply practice doing it. Just know…there is NO WRONG WAY TO DO IT…you just have to do it and be confident. P.S. Mix metals…ALWAYS : )

3. Allow nature to be an inspiration for your wardrobe and/or ensembles. While it is nice to have celebrities and fashion bloggers to look to for inspiration, you are actually surrounded by some of the most breathtaking creations. Give those creations an opportunity to inspire you! Let your heart be still.

“And God called the dry land Earth…” Genesis 1:10

Until next time.

P.S. I am considering posting Get The Look Thursdays earlier in the day. Like mid-morning. What do you guys think about that? Drop a comment below with your thoughts!

 Get The Look Details: 


  1. Early morning would be so great! That way I don’t have to wait all day long for it! 🙂
    Wonderful post, by the way. I love your trench coat…And the pictures with the horse LOL

  2. Totally loved this blog–great job, Candace. And kudos to you for touching the horse–your hand looked very natural…sending hugs–miss you.

    Jeanine Halada

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