Playing with new trends is a love/hate relationship for me! Sometimes I really LOVE it and there are other times that I really hate it. Well, I particularly hate all trends involving pants, because I have the longest legs known to mankind and the shortest torso ever. So naturally, pant shopping is problematic and when you throw a couple extra variables into the mix, it makes the process even more cumbersome. Ugh. Earlier this year I made a “Fashion Goals List” and one of the goals included pants exploration. And as PAINFUL as it has been, I am proud to say that I’m pushing thru. So far, I have successfully purchased and worn various prints and pant shapes this year! My most recent pant adventure concluded with a pair of high waisted, bell-bottom jeans from American Eagle aka the Hi-Rise Artist Jeans. And since bell-bottom anything screams 70s, I felt that “Flower Child” was an appropriate title for this week’s #GTLT.

Flower Child 

Flower Child

Flower Child

Yet again, proof that this bag goes with EVERYTHING. Yes, you need one! See the link below : )

Flower Child

Favorite features about these jeans…the front closure buttons and the wash! 

Flower Child

Flower Child

Michelle of Delicate Raymond knows her jewelry! Back in May while I was playing in the city, I had a chance to meet her and she’s an absolute gem. Prior to leaving, she whipped up these customized cross earrings for me!  If you are interested in ordering a pair of these beauties, please visit and drop them a quick e-mail! Also, be sure to checkout the Vintage Monogram Collection and the stackable rings. Perfection! 

Flower Child

Flower Child

The crop top trend has definitely inspired me to get my butt in shape. Please excuse the little bit of tummy fat! #imhuman #firstworldproblem #ilovecake

So, I encourage you to sit down and make a list of fashion goals! Things you would like to get rid of, places you would like to shop, trends you would like to try, etc. Just like any other life goals, writing them down is the first step towards achieving them. Happy Fashion Goal Setting! You will thank me later : )

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