I really hate those moments when you buy something KNOWING that it isn’t practical for your wardrobe. But you see it, love it and know that you cannot leave without buying it! That fashion imprint moment (which I seem to have more often than not…lol). Any who, last June before Jason and I got married, I really wanted to find a simple white dress to wear post wedding. I had searched, searched and searched and didn’t find a thing that I liked until only days before the wedding. I walked into Bella’s Boutique and found this absolutely stunning simple white dress and it was perfect, buuuttttt it was sheer, which presented one BIG issue for me…finding suitable undergarments. UGH. Thanks to the help of my best friend, Vanessa, we were able to make it work, but I haven’t worn the dress since! Being the determined person that I am, I decided it was time to find a way to wear this dress without freaking out about the sheerness and wondering if my undies would show or not! Welp, I think I did it. T-shirt over dress aka long over long.

Desolate Field 

Desolate Field

Desolate Field My goal for this ensemble was really to create a simple, flowly, festivalesque look while repurposing pieces from my existing wardrobe in a different way! The festival look is all about soft neutrals and lots of jewelry! 

Desolate Field

Desolate Field While I love neutrals, I felt like something  was missing so naturally I decided to go with some lipstick for a splash of color. I’m really in love with this matte lip pencil by NARS. The color is just perfect and lasting. I would highly suggest that you make the $25 investment to get one. Your makeup bag will be forever changed. 

Desolate Field  Oh, how I love dancing in fields. 

Desolate Field

Desolate Field Layers, layers and more layers. Whenever I wear a simple outfit, I really enjoy dressing it up with lots of jewelry. Also, I found it particularly important to layer my pieces for this look since I was layering the dress and oversized v-neck. Outfit theme continuation..woot woot. 

Desolate Field Yup, it’s Jonathan again! This little guy melts my heart. He’s the only kid that I know who can repeat an outfit 3 times in 3 different blog shoots and still look soooo good ; ) That’s fashion talent right there. 
Desolate Field

 I spy Kimberly in my sunglasses! 

So what is today’s inspiration? Don’t be afraid to try the “Long Over Long”  trend. Initially, it takes a moment to even wrap your head around the idea of layering uncommon shapes, but once you get going…IT’S AMAZINGLY EASY. At your convenience, I would suggest that you pick up the March copy of Instyle Magazine. They display lots of amazing imagery on how you can achieve this trend. Happy trend exploration : )

P.S. I’m uber excited for next week’s blog post(s). Lots of uber cute outfits coming your way. Get excited!

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1 comment

  1. Another stellar blog…I love your ability to be so innovative in your style choices. ..I see great opportunities in your future. ..hugs

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