I love surprises. Especially surprises that involve clothing. Oh, how they make my heart happy : ) Just a few days after hosting the style event with Beauty Clinique Boutique in early April, I was delighted to find this beautiful Free People Aztec Bib dress in my mailbox. Yes, I cried.  Cried in disbelief that someone would gift something this wonderful to me! And not to mention it’s FREE PEOPLE. Ugh, I hate Free People…said NO ONE EVER!!! lol. Once I calmed my emotions a bit, I began the style brainstorm and like a magical puzzle, it came together piece by piece. And then Kim had this wonderful idea to include her sheltie pups. Free People and precious pups? Now, that’s a WHOLE LOT of awesomeness! So, just prepare yourself for photo wonderlust (I probably posted way too many photos, but I just couldn’t contain myself!).


These may be the sweetest puppies that I’ve ever met! They are extremely snuggly, obedient and playful. For those who are curious about the breed and all that fun stuff, please shoot Kim an e-mail at  photo@kimberlyjphotograpy.com. She can provide you with wayyyy more insight than I ever could…lol. 

IMG_9470 You already know. This necklace can do no wrong. Absolutely none. 


I’ve been having a hard time incorporating the wool floppy hat into my spring/summer wardrobe because…it’s wool! And I don’t know about you, but wool and summer time just doesn’t jive with me. So, for the last couple of weeks I’ve been FORCING myself to think outside the box and guess what? It’s working! As I invest more creativity into diverse looks, I realize that ANYTHING GOES. You simply have to have the confidence to rock the snot out of it! ha. Yes, I said snot. For me, the simple touch of black leather around the hat brings out the black streaking in the dress. Additionally, the warmness of the brown enhances the aztec pattern! Seemingly the print appears clearer and bolder. 


IMG_9420This little pup didn’t move for anyone. He was just happy to lay and play in the dirt! 

IMG_9437IMG_9460The BEST part of this dress…THE BACK KEYHOLE. It shows just enough skin! Also, the exposed, brassy zipper gives the dress some wonderful character. P.S. The color of the zipper inspired all of my jewelry choices for this look. 

IMG_9516Because I loved the warmth and richness that the floppy hat provided, I decided to incorporate a few more brown pieces into this look. 

IMG_9502This picture is magazine worthy. Just saying! 

By nature, I wouldn’t call my self a hipster, but I do love the style. It’s beautiful, effortless and care free, which is the polar opposite of my everyday style! I’m all about the fuss and high heels! So, creating this particular look was all about experimentation. Venturing into the unknown and not really knowing if it would work for me or not. Well, with confidence I can say it worked! Sometimes we just have to remove “ourselves” from the equation and allow creativity to take over. In those instances, you often discover lots of wonderful, new and exciting things about yourself! I learned that I do have an inner flower child and that I can indeed wear wool in the spring time. ha. Oh, the joys of life!

Get The Look Details: 


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