So, I’ve been itching to share more “looks” on the blog, but I was just unsure of how to! Believe it or not, posting a #GTLT requires about 4 to 6 hours of time when it is all said and done. That’s a lot of time, huh? People think blogging is easy work, but I am here to tell you it isn’t! Well, I will go ahead and get off that soapbox and save it for another post. LOL. Any who, I share all of this to ask you guys a question! How do you feel about me adding an additional Get The Look each week? I’m thinking we can call it Get The Look Tuesday or Get The Look T-days?! The only difference with this Get The Look than Thursday’s weekly post is that it will be minimal in content and images. In essence it’s a mini Get The Look! So here’s a little sample of what it would look like…

Lake Jordan  

Lake Jordan

Lake Jordan

Lake Jordan

I took these pictures back in June while in North Carolina and have been dying to share them, but “the you are fat demon” was whispering in my ear telling me that I was not thin enough like all the other cool bloggers! So after 5 weeks of fighting those negative thoughts, I am FINALLY sharing this look. I guess my affirmation for you today would be to simply embrace your body! I have to keep reminding myself that I no longer compete in pageants and will  NEVER be 15% body fat ever again! What’s most important is that I eat healthy, workout and love being normal sized Candace! Whew. I’m glad that’s off my chest : ) So, here’s to a healthy lifestyle and positive body images!

“Each individual woman’s body demands to be accepted on it’s own terms.”

-Gloria Steinem

Get The Look Details: 

Ok, so what do you think of the preview? Drop a comment below letting me know if you would like to see more mini Get The Look posts like this one!


  1. Love the idea of this concept as I’m always looking forward to your GTLTs. Once a week is not enough! Ahem, but no pressure of course as it’s a ton of work 😉

    & so glad you’re open about embracing your body! You’re a beautiful + healthy chick; never hide! 😀

  2. I would LOVE getting the opportunity to read more of your posts! And I love your message, thank you for using your influence and presence online in a positive way. P.S. You’re gorgeous!

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