Back in June when I went down to North Carolina to spend some time with Katelyn, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with an awesome little company named R. Riveter. After hours of talking about all things marketing, social media and just life, they asked if I would be willing to feature one of their bags on Live, Love and READ. With great excitement, I said YES! It only took me 45 minutes to make a decision, as all of the pieces at R. Riveter have their own story…so I felt it was very important to pick the right one! Well, I found the one.


R. Riveter Ok, so I know that some of you may be thinking, “That bag doesn’t really match Candace’s style.” And you’re right, it doesn’t fit my everyday style, but I always love pushing and expanding myself. Styling this bag has taught me how to be comfortable with less. It has taught me that carrying a handbag isn’t about the bag itself, but about the woman who is carrying it. It has also taught me how to appreicate the craftsmanship and artistry that goes into creating something truly unique and different. 

R. Riveter

R. Riveter For this look I really wanted to display the concept of dress down and dress up and that it is indeed possible. Often times most people are unsure of how to pair pieces together to get this shabby chic aesthetic  The more casual/laid back pieces, the better. All you need is one or two (maybe three) “dressy” items to dress it up more. So for me, I chose the platforms, petit stackable rings and of course my chunky Michael Kors watch. Oh yes, lipstick is an automatic dresser upper…it just makes the look more feminine. 

R. Riveter

R. Riveter I swiped this hat from one of my guy friends in college. I could not tell you who, but I love it and wear it all the time. Sorry to whoever’s hat that I took and never gave back. I will buy you another one. 

R. Riveter The thing that won me over about R. Riveter was their mission. It is absolutely incredible and yes, you need to go read about it HERE. Also, I should mention that all of the R. Riveter products are American made. The materials sourced for each product are recycled military materials, therefore each bag carries it’s own story. That kinda just gives me chills. I own a tiny piece of military history. Too cool. 

R. Riveter

R. Riveter

Oh yes, let’s just take a moment to give Kimberly a round of applause for capturing the sheer essence of this concept! These photos are amazing and I seriously want to post all of them to Instagram (I promise I won’t). This blog wouldn’t be as enjoyable if it wasn’t for Kimberly sharing her wonderful talents with me! Thank you Kim. You’re a ROCKSTAR. 

So, today I would like to encourage you to step outside of your style comfort zone. Find something that speaks to you and allow it to impact you! As women (or I guess I should say people), it is important that we continue to expand ourselves. And yes, even in our style. You never know how your new found revelation will impact someone else. A big thank you to  R. Riveter for allowing me to experience something truly amazing! I will always cherish this bag.

P.S. If you are located in the North Carolina area, R. Riveter is hosting their grand opening event tomorrow from 5:30 to 7:30! You should definitely go. Please connect with them via social media for more details!

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And lastly,  the “All Wired Up” giveaway winner is…Abi Ray (and ironically enough Abi works for R. Riveter)! Abi, please shoot me an e-mail using the “Contact Candace” function above so we can send you a followup e-mail with details : ) Again, thanks to everyone for participating! One day I will have awesome treats for all of YOU! I promise : ) Also, I should mention their will be another jewelry giveaway taking place at the end of August…so stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed!

Get The Look Details: 

ALL IMAGES © 2014 Kimberly J Photography

This post is kindly brought to you by R.Riveter of Southern Pines, NC.


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