I’m the queen of sentimental! Especially when it comes to things involving the love story of Jason and me. For instance, I still have the dress that I wore when I first met him and I still have the shoes that I wore when we first walked down the aisle together at Chris and Kate’s wedding. I just love being able to look at various things in my closet and think about all of the memories they hold! Oh, the nostalgia.

While it is amazingly nice to still have these clothing items and memories, they are taking up space in my very full closet! So in typical Candace Fashion, I decided it was time to get creative and re-wear a few of those special pieces. To jumpstart this new project, I pulled out this super cute color block lace that I purchased from Blue Door Boutique back in 2012 for the first wedding Jason and I attended as an “official item.”



Before we go any further…I just want you to know that creating this look was very difficult for me! Yes, even bloggers/stylists have brain farts! The issue I kept running into was that everything I paired with this dress just clashed as I was trying hard to keep the look very “typical”, for a lack of better words. But after realizing that simply wasn’t going to happen, I decided to embrace the clash effect, which ended up producing this beautiful contrast that I absolutely love.




Looking for an awesome seasonal jacket? I highly recommend that you find a military-esque jacket like this one! It instantly gives anything you pair it with a super chic’ and contemporary look! And for the most part…it matches any and EVERYTHING!


Because topsy tail ponytails are always a good idea! It’s a super easy way to dress up a casual ponytail : ) P.S. I’m thinking about making a little tutorial for this hair style…would you guys like that? If so, drop a comment down below to let me know!


The next time you find yourself hanging onto clothing because of the memories they represent…just know that it’s ok to wear them again! Repurposing/rewearing them doesn’t change or demean the memories that you made! It’s a mental thing. Once you get over that mental block, you’ll be ready to conquer the fashion repurposing world! Also, I should mention that it takes time to reach this conclusion. I mean…it only took me 2 years and 5 months to wear this dress again! LOL.

And lastly, don’t be afraid to create a look full of extreme contrast! Contrast is good. Instead of running away from it…embrace it!

Get The Look Details: 

ALL IMAGES © 2014 Kimberly J Photography


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