YAY for Change | Live Love & Read | Style Blog

Welp, what do you think of the new site? I sure hope that you love it as much as I do. Just to give you a little background information, I’ve been working feverishly since March on rebranding Live Love and Read. From new business cards to obtaining a business license, you name it and I’ve probably done it. Now that I can speak from experience, rebranding is like having a baby! For MONTHS you are cultivating/implementing ideas in hopes of finally giving birth for the entire world to see. While I am thankful for this experience, I am sure glad it is over. But before I close this chapter of Live Love and Read and move onto the next, I would like to thank some pretty amazing peeps who’ve been of tremendous help throughout this process.

Jason: Any man who puts up with a fashion obsessed woman deserves 5 REALLY BIG gold stars. Not only does my sweet husband support me, but he also has been super involved in making my blogger dream come true. He’s my editor, financial adviser, sounding board and sooooo much more! All in all, he’s a ROCKSTAR.

Lacey: Having an honest, non-subjective voice in rebranding is KEY. Lacey of A Lacey Perspective Consulting has been an incredible resource for me. Lacey has provided me with her honesty, knowledge and encouragement. She’s truly an expert in the bloggersphere and I could not have done this without her guidance. So thank you Lacey! You are my blogging fairy godmother!

Bryan: Behind every awesome blog website, there is an awesome graphic designer. Bryan Minear is seriously one of the most talented individuals I know. Not only is he an artist, but an incredibly tech savvy and resourceful individual. Oh yes, I should mention that he is also a photographer (he shot our wedding) and is Kimberly’s brother!  So, naturally I have mad love for this kid!

Sarah: Having beautiful penmanship is something that most girls dream of! Sadly, that wasn’t an artistic ability God gave me, but He did send me a talented friend who has become my go-to calligraphist. When it was time for a new logo, I immediately called Sarah Rowan of Callie Anna Chalk Shoppe and she got things in motion. She’s an artist that aims for perfection and will never provide you with ANYTHING less than that.

Kimberly: We all have that one person in our life who’s amazingly kind, patient and willing to help you do any and EVERYTHING. For me that person is Kimberly Jones (aka my blog photographer). I still cannot believe that we have only known each other for 10 months! Our working relationship has evolved into a beautiful friendship.

Katelyn, Keisha, Jamie and Vanessa: To my sweet friends who have listened to me complain, whine and complain some more, I appreciate your unwavering support and positive affirmations along the way. I seriously couldn’t have made it to the finish line without you. I’m beyond thankful to call each of you my friend!

Again, I hope you LOVE the new site. I am beyond ecstatic to start this new journey with you all…like seriously excited. YAY for change.

xoxoxo, CR


“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.”


IMAGE:  Kimberly J Photography

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