The last couple of weeks have been insanely busy! In fact, they have been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to share a couple of posts with you. One of these being a review of Marcelle Cosmetics! As many of you know, I am obsessed with Birchbox. What I love most about the company is their genuine desire to enrich your beauty life by providing you with access to some of the best products out there! I mean it’s kinda awesome. For the last two years, I’ve been a Birchblogger, which provides you with even more Birchbox awesomeness! Back in late August, I received 4 products from Marcelle Cosmetics (courtesy of Birchbox) and for the last  12 weeks, I’ve been consistently incorporating them into my daily makeup routine. I’m sure you have already figured it out, but if you haven’t, Marcelle Cosmetics is most definitely one of my new favorites. Here’s a little look at how I use their products!

The four products I received: BB Cream Gold Glow, Xtenison Plus Mascara, Lux Gloss Cream and Monochromatic Bronzer. I’ve posted all of the links to these products down below for those of you who are interested.


 So, here’s my bare face! That way you get a sense of the progression from beginning to end. Oh yes, I apologize that my eyes are being a little red. That is a direct byproduct of not sleeping/stressing, which appears to be the story of life right now. 

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 For starters, I applied the BB Golden Glow just like I would apply any other foundation/BB Cream, with a clean foundation brush. While this particular product works for all skin types, I mixed in a little bit of my Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer for coloring. The Marcelle BB Golden Glow just appeared a little too light on my skin. I literally just mixed together one squirt of the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer and the BB Cream Golden Glow, to adjust the coloring for my skin. 


The final product of the BB Cream and Tinted Moisturizer mixed together. I’ve used the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer for months and I’ve NEVER had a glow quite like this before combining the two. It’s so natural and light. For those of you who are hesitant about trying a BB Cream or Tinted Mositurizer, I would encourage you to at least give it a shot. Keep in mind that there will be less coverage than a heavy foundation, but who needs to wear heavy foundation everyday? No one! I find it incredibly freeing to use products that still provide me with coverage, but don’t require nearly as much time to apply. 

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Even with a natural look I still like to highlight and contour just a little bit. For this effect, I use NARS Creamy Concealer for highlighting and Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzer.  To set everything, I use MAC Mineralize Skin Finish. 


Sadly, I inherited my momma’s nonexistent, baby eyelashes. The amount of mascara that I use for these puppies is insane. Depending on my schedule demands, I can easily go through a tube of mascara in 6 weeks. And I don’t believe that is normal…lol. Because of my barely there eyelashes, I am always excited to try new mascaras! Well, the Marcelle Xtenison Mascara did not disappoint. 


Pretty awesome, huh? I just applied two coats when I would have typically applied 4 coats with 2 mascaras. 


For finishing touches, I added the Monochromatic Bronzer to the apples of my cheeks and the Lux Cream Gloss to my lips. 


ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

And here’s the complete Before (left) and After (right). Without hesitation, I most definitely recommend that you try Marcelle Cosmetics.  To learn a little bit more about Marcelle Cosmetics, visit Also, if you have yet to subscribe to Bircbhox, then you need to skip on over to their SITE right now and make that happen. You won’t be disappointed!

Get The Look Details:

This post is kindly brought to you by Birchbox and Marcelle Cosmetics. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 

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