My Blogging Spot + 5 Tips On Productivity | Live Love and Read

My Blogging Spot + 5 Tips On Productivity | Live Love and Read

My Blogging Spot + 5 Tips On Productivity | Live Love and Read

My Blogging Spot + 5 Tips On Productivity | Live Love and Read

My Blogging Spot + 5 Tips On Productivity | Live Love and Read

My Blogging Spot + 5 Tips On Productivity | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

It was around this time last year that I decided to give this blogging thing my all. Naturally, I knew that this decision included wayyy more blogging than what I was currently doing. I’ve been a creative since the ripe age of 5 and I’ve always needed a specific spot to produce my best work. In understanding that blogging requires every ounce of creativity in your human body, I knew that I needed to create a little “blog spot” to increase my creativity and productivity. However, the only problem was WHERE, as Jason and I live in a spacious 2 bedroom apartment that we have managed to fill up rather quickly (I’m looking forward to purchasing a home sometime in the near future, because we definitely need more closet space. haha). I managed to find one corner of our apartment that wasn’t being occupied and decided to make that my “blog spot” and I must say, I am quite pleased with how it turned out. Yes, I would love to have a larger space for clothing racks and additional storage for outfit planning, but you gotta start somewhere and this is my start.

Since we are just hours away from the beginning of another new year, I wanted to share “5 Tips On Increasing Productivity.” Being a wife, blogger, freelancer, student and much more, requires some serious discipline. I can pretty much tell you everything that I have going on from now until June 1st. I know, scary. Although wearing many hats can be danting some days, I’ve learned that it is indeed possible. Here’s a couple of things that I MUST HAVE for creativity and productivity purposes while working from home (which is everyday for me):

1. PLANNER – I’ve been using a planner since I was in the 6th grade and I cannot imagine life without one. In fact, each year in September I begin shopping for a new planner. Yup, that’s how serious I take it. I’ve always been a write it down kinda gal. So, having a planner allows we me to write it down and leave it alone! When you are multitasking/wearing many hats, it’s important to have daily brain dumps, so you are not overwhelmed with thoughts. I’m such a freak that I have brain dumps twice a day. For me, my planner has become the centralized location for my dumping. I pencil in dates, to-do lists and much more. If your the kind of #GIRLBOSS who can manage her life in an iPhone calendar, more power to ya, but my life would crash and burn. So for me, it’s a physical planner all day, every day. This past year I used the Emily Ley Simplified Planner and for 2015 I have decided to give the Whitney English Day Designer a whirl. I will keep you posted on which one I like best!

2. CANDLES – I love candles! Just like I have a clothing problem, I have a candle problem. Jason and I have candles on tap here at the apartment. I’m a lover of candles when I’m working, because I prefer to work in dimly lit areas for ambiance and the candles provide extra lighting. My most favorite candle brands are Diptyque, Country Luxe and Aquiesse (my most favorite).

3. MUSIC – I grew up as a dancer, so I have weird dependence on music to inspire me and it always does! Additionally, music allows me to drown out every other sound in the room and just focus on what I am doing. Even at home, I wear my Frends headphones, which are noise canceling. I typically just listen to Pandora while working. My favorite stations are: Bethel Live Radio, John Mayer Radio, Johnnyswim Radio and Phantogram Radio.

4. FRESH BLOOMS – I’ve always loved the idea of having fresh flowers in the home and it was towards the end of summer that I began to spend the extra money to have them each week. At first, I found it hard to justify spending an additional $10-$20 on flowers each week, because it adds up sooo quickly. However, after seeing how they bring a home to life, I knew that it was worth the sacrifice. While I love working at home, often times I find myself stuck inside for hours doing work! It’s nice to have a little piece of nature inside with you! Also, the fresh blooms are fragrant and add color to the room.

5. SWEET TREATS – I consider my sweet treats brain food! When I feel that I am losing my mo joe, I pop a piece of candy or two, as motivation to continue. I’m not sure if this will work for you, but it’s one of my weird Candace things that I’ve incorporated into my productivity routine and it works for me. It typically takes me a month to go through my candy jar (or sooner, because Jason loves to steal candy off my desk). My brain food favorites are swedish fish, starburst jellybeans and raisinets.

By sharing this, I hope it inspires you figure out what motivates you to do your best work, whether its at home, in the car or at the office. Let’s make 2015 a year of better time management, increased creativity and productivity and making new memories that will last a lifetime!

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  1. Ahhhhh! I purchased Whitney English Day Designer in August and it has been a life/ game changer! My husband calls me the planner addict due to the amount of research I complete to see if a planner will work for me.
    When you post about which planner you like most, do you mind giving a sneak peek of your well designed day? Love the turtle neck, hope to see a post of how to style/wear one soon!

  2. Candace! First off hello love it is so good to see how well you are doing. Secondly your blog is love! I find myself a little obsessed. You were always inspiration to me when I got to Valdosta State as a dance major. I secretly looked up to you. Now as a married woman, having a home and starting traditions of my own I find your blogs extremely helpful. This one about creativity and productivity is great advice! Keep it up doll and I’ll be on the look out for more to come!

    1. Marissa!

      Congratulations on getting married! Marriage is seriously the best thing ever : ) I’m sooo glad that you’ve found the blog helpful thus far. I put extra effort into making this a place for the practical, every day woman. Thanks for commenting. It means more thank you know!

      xoxo, CR

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