Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read

Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read

Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read

Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read

Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read

Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read

Fancy Ox | Live Love and Read  ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

I’ve always loved Converse; however, I never felt that I had “the swag” to pull them off. I’ve never been much of a sneaker wearer. In fact, in elementary school, I was the kid who would bring my P.E. shoes in a separate bag, because they didn’t go with my outfit. haha. Needless to say, I avoided wearing sneakers as much as possible! However, as you get older, there comes a point in life when you learn that you need a GOOD pair of casual sneaks. Considering how picky I am, I knew that Converse would be my best bet. So, late last August, I reluctantly purchased a pair of Converse’s Fancy Ox sneakers. To my surprise, once I gave them a whirl with a little outfit styling, I actually liked them .

Because I got them at the close of summer, I hadn’t had a chance to wear them very much. In typical Candace fashion, I’ve given myself a little style challenge to see how many ways I can wear them this Spring. This look was my first attempt of the season and I don’t think its half bad! I would like to find some narrower jeans, as I think they will be more suitable for Converse styling! I would also like to find some cute dresses to wear with Converse, as I think that would be absolutely darling! I’m all about contrast and juxtaposition!

What are some of your favorite ways to wear your Converse? I’m always looking for new ideas! Also, which style of Converse do you prefer? Drop a comment below!

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