Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and Read

Going For The Gold | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

About two weeks, I participated in the Columbus College of Art and Design’s Virtual Fashion Show, along with 8 others bloggers, who I dearly adore. One of the things that I love most about blogging are the friendships I develop with liked mind people! It’s pretty stinking awesome. But any who, to get back to the point, I shared this fun look via Instagram and wanted to make sure that I shared it with you guys who only follow me here on the blog or via Facebook! As you guys know, I’m all about practicality, so naturally, I love the simplicity of this look. I’ve probably worn this $12 jersey dress about a million times, a million different ways and I still love it. If that’s not being practical, I don’t know what is! LOL. Also, this sweater from Pink Blush. I probably should order like 3 more of them while they are still in stock, because I’m seriously gonna be sad when this wears a hole. It may be one of the most comfortable pieces I own and not to mention, it’s long enough to cover the buttock…BONUS. And lastly, the gold oxfords. I mean, do I really need to say anything? They take this simple look to another level!

If you’re interested in seeing more looks from the #CCAD Virtual Show, skip on over to Instagram and search #CCADVirtualShow. Also, be sure to follow them (and me..hehe), as the real show is this Friday! I’ll be attending and of course Instagramming some of the looks from the runway!

Oh yes, I just landed in NYC and I’m here for the next two days for the New York City Ballet Gala. I’m sooooo excited to show you guys my dress. And yes, it’s Sherri Hill : )  Lots of awesomeness happening over the next 3 days, so be sure to follow along via Instagram AND Snapchat {candacemread} for lots and lots of wanderlust.

Get The Look Details:



  1. oh my goodness, those shoes are everything. Obsessed with how effortless this is. Beautiful as always, girl! 🙂 If you get a free sec, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xx

    Fash Boulevard

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