Happy Place | Live Love and Read

Happy Place | Live Love and Read

Happy Place | Live Love and Read

Happy Place | Live Love and Read

Happy Place | Live Love and Read ALL IMAGES THE ROOSEVELT GROUP

If you follow me on Insta then you’ve already seen this look, but I still wanted to do a full blog post for those of you who follow me elsewhere! Two weeks ago today, I attended a lovely contributors happy hour at Lindey’s in German Village (aka my one of my  happy place…such an amazing spot with tasty food!) courtesy of Capital Style Magazine. Being the freakish pre-planner that I am, I had picked my outfit  about three weeks prior to the event, to only discover the morning of the event that it would be a tad chilly outside. Refusing to find another outfit (primarily because of limited time…final project…ugh…) I decided to brave the breeze by switching to closed toe heels and adding a maxi cardigan. And I must say, I really like how the last minute changes shaped the final look ensemble. In fact, I think I like it more than how I had originally styled it. Oh yes, just in case you noticed, but this romper is the ONE PIECE that I managed to get my hands on from the Lilly Pultizer x Target collaboration thanks to my friend Melodie in Texas. You know that you have an amazing friend when she adds your wishlist to hers during one of the craziest female consumer crazes known to mankind. I mean seriously…the madness that went down on Sunday, April 19th is one for the history books! Hahaha. Ok, I disgress.

On a more serious note, nothing makes me happier than being in a room full of creatives who desire to inspire and that was exactly the atmosphere for the #capstylemag event. I had the opportunity to meet new creative peeps within the Cbus fashion and lifestyle community as well as catch up with blogger friends that I haven’t seen in awhile. If you would have asked me when I was a 17 year old what my ultimate career goal was, you most definitely would not have received a solely creative/freelance career answer. However, now that I am in the thick of it, I must admit working creatively is my ultimate happy place and it is even ten times more enjoyable knowing that I can connect with other local creatives who inspire to be more and do more artistically.

I share all of this to say, if you’re currently trying to figure out your life, I say follow the thing that truly makes you happy! For me that was dance, which ultimately led me to fashion and I must admit…I’ve never been happier!

“Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.” 

                                                                                                     – Unknown

Get The Look: 



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