Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read

Summer Stripes | Live Love and Read ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

I’m currently on Cloud Nine! Last night I submitted my final paper for Fashion Theory, which means that my summer officially commences TODAY! Granted, it won’t be much of a “lay around/do nothing” summer, as classes start again in just three weeks and I have a TON of work projects over the coming weeks! Oh, and not to mention the long honey do-list that Jason has for me (and yes, I thought only the wife was supposed to give the husband those types of lists, but I decided to go graduate school and that all changed…lol).

Since this is the official start to my summer, what better way to celebrate that than with a cute, yellow striped dress. In my opinion, nothing screams summertime quite like yellow stripes! On a side note, I am proud to say that I’ve owned this dress for almost three years! In fact, it was one of the first things I ever featured on the blog (see HERE). I’ve attempted to part with it on many occasions, but every time I try, I get all sentimental. And yes, I’m the idiot who has emotional attachments to her clothing, primarily because of the memories they hold. Is anyone else out there like that?

Ok, I love you guys, but I’m gonna go run around outside and enjoy being a normal human! Sadly, this dress is no longer available, but down below you will find a couple of my favorite striped dresses that I am currently coveting! Enjoy your weekend and I will meet you back here on Monday with a little more summer inspired fashion wanderlust.

Get the Look: 


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