Compensation was provided by Nestlé Coffee-mate® via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Coffee-mate®.

Oh, The Memories… | Live Love and Read

IMAGE Oh, The Memories… | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… | Live Love and ReadIMAGES Kimberly J Photography

Another year, another birthday! I cannot believe that I am 26 years old today. Exciting, yet scary, as I am rapidly approaching 30! Despite the age factor, I’ve always loved celebrating my birthday. It’s the one day out of the year that I get to do whatever I want! So, I usually start the day with a nice leisurely morning in bed with a few of my favorite things. Two of those things include a French press accompanied by Coffee-mate creamer. As you already know, I’m a coffee lover. So, naturally, having a cup of Joe or two, is an absolute must. However, what makes this cup a bit more special than any other day’s, is the Coffee-mate Classic Vanilla creamer, as it reminds me of Jason and my first grocery shopping experience as a married couple.

You see, we basically had a difference of opinion on every brand for almost every item we needed for our pantry. However, there was one brand that we most definitely agreed upon and that was Nestlé Coffee-mate®. “YES! We finally agree on something!” I remember thinking to myself, only to discover a new issue…which flavor?! Being the traditional and at times predictable person that I am, I reached for Coffee-mate Classic Vanilla.  Let’s just say, Jason was not excited about my choice.  After several minutes of debating, we finally agreed upon a flavor that suited both of our tastes! I’m sure you’re curious to know which flavor #ohthosereads selected, but you’ll just have to wait! I’ll be re-creating this memory with Coffee-mate a little later this summer! So, stay tuned. However, in the meantime, what’s your favorite Coffee-mate flavor? Drop a comment below, as I would love to know.

This summer, Nestlé Coffee-mate® is celebrating the sweetest form of nostalgia with their exclusive range of fun, exciting flavors that evoke delicious memories and emotions of the past. These sweet throwback flavors include Toll House® Chocolate Chip Cookie, Caramel Macchiato and Classic Vanilla.



  1. Yum! Magical Goodness!

    I love Caramel Macchiato & Hazelnut.

    When I want to drink my coffee as a dessert, I enjoy drinking the Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Coffee-mate’s Coconut creamer! It’s hard to find, but FINALLY my favorite grocery started carrying it last week.

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