Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and Read

Happily Grey | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

I’m just gonna say it. This is my Kim Kardashian dress…for obvious reasons.

I happened upon this dress while shopping the clearance rack at TJ Maxx and fell in love with the asymmetrical shape in the front of the dress. In typical Candace fashion, I strolled over to the fitting room to make sure I loved it on as much as I loved it on the hanger and I did! However, there was just one tiny problem. Baby got back. I tried on a medium and of course, it was “obviously” too big, so that left me and my bubble butt with a size small. I probably spent a good 20 minutes in the dressing room trying to decide if I should buy it or not. I sent a quick pic to Jamie and Katelyn (two of my best friends) for approval and got the thumbs up. Still a bit apprehensive, yet madly in love, I bought it (it was on sale for $10). After weeks of sitting on my dresser with the receipt  on top, I concluded that this dress would be ideal for a date night with the hubs. Now that I had an occasion in mind, I felt that I could finally proceed with styling it. Due to the fact that I was (and am) a bit self conscious about just how form fitting my clothing is, I decided that I wanted to soften this look up as much as I could by pairing it with soft neutrals. And I must say, the accessory choices most definitely softened the look for me! The dress immediately felt more classy, rather than super duper sexy, if that makes any sense. Ok, enough of my random musings. Despite the “snugness” and my “self-consciousness”, I do love this dress.

Get The Look:


  1. Wow, you are a gorgeous lady! And your ‘Kim Kardashian’ dress is amazing! I love everything about this look, the pairing with neutral is such a great choice! I don’t know why you had to think twice about getting the dress! I love it, I’m glad it’s in your closet now! <3
    Angel from With Love Lily Rose

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