Test Drive | Live Love and Read

Test Drive | Live Love and Read

Test Drive | Live Love and Read

Test Drive | Live Love and Read

Test Drive | Live Love and Read

Test Drive | Live Love and Read ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography 

After weeks of guarding them with my life {out of fear of ruining them}, I finally took my Louboutins out for a test drive. And I must say, they are pretty fabulous. I still cannot believe that Jason got me these beauties for my anniversary/birthday present. For those of you who may be wondering, no, this is not the beginning of me losing all style practicality. I promise to not become one of the style influencers who only talks about designer ready-to-wear fashion and accessories that most of the general public cannot afford. I think everyone likes the idea of luxury and having the ability to splurge every now and then on big ticket items, like Louboutins. However, will I ever have a closet full of them? It’s highly unlikely. I’m currently taking a course entiteld “Marketing of Luxury Goods” and to say that this course has my wheels turning is an understandment. The concept of luxury and consumer’s perception of luxury is beyond interesting. In yesterday’s reading, I discovered that my luxury consumpation patterns aligin with the democraitization typology. Complex, huh?  Once I collect all of my thoughts, I’m gonna do a post with my findings, as I think a lot of you would find it very interesting! Studying consumpation patterns in itself is complex, but you add luxury to that and its on a whole other level.

I’ve only worn these shoes a handful of times! Once I get a couple more wears in, I’ll definitely be doing an “Are They Worth It” post. Based on my experience so far, I would most defintitly say yes! But that’s why I’m going to wait…that way I can give you an honest and accurate response, rather than an “I’m just so excited I own these” response. haha. And lastly, for those of you wondering about this style, they are the Piaglle Follies and look freakishly similar to the So Kates. After trying on a million pairs of So Kate’s, I just knew they were not for me! 120 mm (aka 4 1/2 inches) and the high pitch of the shoes was not realistic for me. Instead, I opted for the Piaglle Follies, which are 100 mm and siginficantly less steep!  Still pretty high, but managable. And speaking of “high”, this Sunday marks the beginning of Fashion Week Columbus. The first event on the calendar is High Tea! And yes, I’ll be wearing my Loubutins. Per the usaul, make sure you’re following via Instagram and Snapchat for in-the-moment pics and such.

Have a great weekend!

Get The Look: 


  1. I really love this look of maroon + white + the nude Louboutins! I also really love your intake on luxury goods. You’re honest with your approach about not turning into someone who wears luxury pieces from head-to-toe.

    & I always think it’s interesting to see someone develop a look of practicality with a touch of a luxury item here & there! It’s good to splurge once-in-a-blue-moon on an item with great quality that you’ll know will last 🙂

    Awesome look, Candace!!! 😀 😀 you look fab!

  2. Love the look! Effortless yet chic!! what a nice gift from your hubby. I like you prefer these instead of the higher more steep so Kate’s, maybe because I’m already fairly tall or just a more realistic wear. Anyway I would love to hear more about that class on luxury…sounds so interesting!!

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