Lyon + Post | Live Love and Read

Lyon + Post | Live Love and Read

Lyon + Post | Live Love and Read

Lyon + Post | Live Love and Read

Lyon + Post | Live Love and Read

Lyon + Post | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

As most of you know, I’m obsessed with shopping! While I do love shopping in store, I HATE trying things on at the store. As much as I try to imagine what the final look will be, it’s a little hard to get the exact picture, as I don’t have all of my accessories and shoes with me! Often times I play the game of “Purchase, Take Home, Try On…Keep or Return”…to sum up this experience nicely…I feel like I’m wasting oodles of time. And time is a precious commodity these days.

Just three months ago, I recevied word about Lyon + Post, which is the brillant member-only service that allows you to select style pieces you love, try them on for free at home and only pay for what you keep! I told you it was brillant. Upon becoming a member (did I mention that membership is FREE), you have the ability to more/less personalize your customer profile to ensure you receive things specific to your tatste. You can queue up to 4 items that you love/want to try on and in just a few short days you’ll receive a box of goodies from Lyon +Post via USPS. From there, you have 7 days to try on your new clothes, style them and decide what you want to keep. To make your life easier,  Lyon + Post also includes a prepaid return enevlope so you can return what you don’t love easily. I’m at the Post Office at least 2 to 3 times per week…which made me super happy about this feature. I would rather make a quick drop at the Post Office than stand in the customer service line answering a million questions as to why I am returning the item…blah. Regarding the things you do keep, Lyon + Post simply bills your credit card and that’s it! Pretty simple, huh?

If you’re looking for a unique, easy and fashion forward way to shop online and try on at home, then Lyon + Post is for YOU! Not only is the concept brillant, but you get handwritten notes in your box. What’s not to love aobut that?! On a more serious note, click HERE to learn more about Lyon + Post. I think it is something truly wonderful that you need in your life! #farewellfittingrooms  : )

This post is NOT sponsored by Lyon + Post. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 


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