Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read

Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read

Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read

Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read

Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read

Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read

Christmas Audrey | Live Love and Read ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

There’s just something about Audrey Hepburn that I absolutely love. Well, I’m sure that’s pretty apparent considering this is my third time writing about her on the blog (see HERE and HERE )! One of the things that I love most about her style is how beautifully classic, yet whimsical it is.  In my opinion, she’s the ultimate style icon! Just a few weeks ago while outfit planning, I found myself wondering how Audrey Hepburn would appraoch holiday style. In that moment, I felt inspired to create something a little Hepburn-esque again! Audrey Hepburn inspired style is all about feminine silhouettes coupled with balance and uniformity and of course some element of black. With those thoughts in mind I knew a tulle skirt and all black accessories were a must for this look! Feeling a bit lost as to what top I should select, I quickly remembered that Audrey is known for her classic turtleneck. Rather than going traditional with a black turtleneck, I selected this olive green cable-front sweater and belted it! Overall, I think Audrey would give me a double thumbs up!!

Happy Friday my loves!! Lots of exciting things happening this weekend, so please follow along via snapchatty {@candacemread}. Just to give a few hints, this weekend includes a ballet, a lot of shooting, and meeting up with some blogger babes. I’m excited!!


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