Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read
Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and Read

Golden Hour | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J.

So, just in case you guys haven’t noticed, I have a major thing for dreamy sunlight. I swear, golden hour makes for the best photos. Thankfully, both Kimberly and Jason love this time of day as much as I do!

In February, after chatting with Kimberly, I decided that I needed a little downtime away from the blog due to how crazy busy things were. To say that I had no creative juices left would be an understatement. It was one of those seasons when the blog felt more like a chore than a passion. With a little more than three years of this blog thing under my belt, I’ve learned that in those instances, its best for me to just take a little time away! Thankfully, I had enough random content and images to share with you guys, so the the blog was not completely vacant. After 3 weeks of no outfit planning, I felt completely recharged and ready to create some magic with Kimberly! Much like Winter Sunsets, I was just going to archive these images, as I made my necessary deliverable, but of course I could not do that! The golden hour lighting is just too epic to hide on my external hard drive. Also, without much effort, I cannot believe how easily I found a one-piece swimsuit for this year’s swimsuit season! Last year, I literally looked for months, never found a thing and ended up settling with a high waisted two-piece (that I love). If you are looking for some affordable swimwear, Target is totally killin’ it, in my opinion. This draped one-piece is under $50 and qualifies for FREE SHIPPING.

P.S. I’m fully aware that a cute one-piece, kimono cardigan and hunter boots may not be practical in any real life situation, but for the sake of style, let’s pretend that this look is TOTALLY REALISTIC. haha. Happy Thursday!

Get The Look: 


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