Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and Read
Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

IMG_2508-Callie Anna | Live Love and Read

Callie Anna | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

I’ve always considered myself a vintage lover! However, I am not the vintage lover who is willing to explore and find all the cool vintage gems that are out there in the World. When it comes to shopping, I’m pretty impatient, as I want to be in and out relatively quickly. I am not interested in looking too deeply these days…maybe that’s just because time is uber limited! Ugh. Never enough hours in the day to get everything done…insert ugly cry!

One of the best things about having friends, is discovering their interests, pursuits and passions! More often than not, you discover that your weaknesses are their strengths! When it comes to quality vintage exploring, my friend Sarah definitely takes the crown! For those of you who’ve been following me for a good while, I am sure you remember Sarah and her awesome chalk art and decorating skills from previous posts! She’s seriously an amazing creative! For as long as I have known Sarah, she’s always had a knack for vintage clothing! In fact, the vast majority of her wardrobe consists of authentic vintage pieces that she finds, restores and restyles. As of recently, Sarah made the decision to transition her love for vintage clothing beyond her wardrobe and into a real life business pursuit! She has the cutest shop via Etsy, called Callie Anna Vintage. With spring/summer being the prime seasons for vintage apparel, Sarah allowed me to get my hands on a few of her recently discovered pieces! I decided to go with a white knit lace dress and a blue & white chevron striped dress. What I love most about vintage clothing is the durability of the fabrics and the attention to detail. I feel like true craftsmanship went into such simple pieces like these! If we could only go back to the “olden” days! Well, technically, I guess we can thanks to Vintage collectors and curators like Sarah! If you are looking to change things up, I encourage you to scoot on over to Callie Anna Vintage. Lots of great, high quality, affordable vintage pieces that you will swoon over!

Get The Look: 





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