It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ


It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READ

It's MY Birthday! | Live Love and READALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

The most perfect date? Obviously I’m going to have to say June 25th and that’s because IT’S MY BIRTHDAY. Today I’ve officially been on planet Earth for 27 years. Yes, 27 years! I’m currently sitting at my best friend Vanessa’s place {the pretty hazelnut girl with the curly big hair who’s been in my snaps lately} in Atlanta, just thinking about all of the awesome things that have happened this year. Also, we may or may not be reminiscing on what it was like to be 18 years old. Speaking from personal experience, once you get out of college, it’s like life picks up in a super duper crazy speed and things just begin to happen! Last year, I was low-key freaking out about over 25, however, being 26 has taught me that things only get better with age. You’re so much more confident and comfortable with the person you’ve become. You stop seeing life’s obstacles as challenges and become to think of them as opportunities to prove your self worth. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the last years of your 20’s really do prepare you to enjoy  your 30’s. Or at least that has been my experience thus far. While I am a 100% ready to enter into my third decade of my life, I am a little less fearful and a bit more excited to see what life hands me next! I’ve already started compiling my list of life lessons I learned while approaching my 30s! Needless to say, that should be a funny post, but we obviously we have THREE more years until that post GO LIVE. LOL.

Also, I apologize for the overload of images! I only get to wear this tee once a year and clearly I’m pretty excited about! And yes, you need one for your birthday too!

P.S. Here’s a look back at last year’s birthday post too!

Get The Look: 


  1. Happy belated birthday! This skirt is the cutest thing EVER! I’m obsessed with all of this. You look gorgeous, love! If you get a free moment, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo

    Fash Boulevard

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