One Last Summer White | Live Love and Read

One Last Summer White | Live Love and Read

One Last Summer White | Live Love and Read

One Last Summer White | Live Love and Read

One Last Summer White | Live Love and Read

One Last Summer White | Live Love and Read

One Last Summer White | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

The fact that summer is slowly fading away makes my heart a little bit sad. Granted, we’ve all endured the crazy heat, but there is nothing like summer! Oh, and not to mention I am feeling the pressure more and more to figure out my life. For the last 22 years, August has always represented a fresh chapter and a new routine. Now that I am done with graduate school (for good) I am currently having that freak out moment. That moment when you think you had everything figured out, but you actually don’t. Yeah, so that’s where I am with life right now. I am hoping to take the remainder of August to really get things figured out and move forward accordingly. The thing that sucks most right now is having soooo many options! I could literally go in a million different directions, but I know to be successful I need to pick 1 to 2 areas and hone in on those and further cultivate them. Not to worry, the blog isn’t going anywhere! This is my first child, haha. However, as I mentioned I am revamping things a bit as I desire to make Live Love and Read a bit more transparent, relatable and all that good stuff.

Enough of boring you with my life. Let’s all just take a moment and admire this pretty off the shoulder white dress. Like seriously y’all…I have an off the shoulder problem. Clearly I cannot get enough of it. Any who, in honor of summer ending, I could not think of a more fitting dress to rock for the last couple of weeks! So, yes, there is great probability that you will see this again on the blog here soon! LOL.

Get The Look: 


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