BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read

BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read

BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read

BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read
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BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read

BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read

BELONG Tour | Live Love and Read


“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of acceptance.”  – Brene Brown

If you’ve been following me for awhile, then you know there are two things that I greatly value and that is, community and transparency. Over the last year or so, I’ve given some extra effort two both of these areas in hopes of inspiring others to live boldly, to connect with others and to passionately pursue their dreams. As I mentioned, in yesterday’s post, one of things that I have grown to love most about social media is its seamless ability to connect and cultivate relationships with others. With Instagram being a prominently woman dominated platform, I have had the opportunity to celebrate, engage and connect with other women from various walks of life who I would have NEVER met. Some of my now closest girlfriends, colleagues and mentors are a direct byproduct of my social community. Without getting to long winded I think this example perfectly projects the beauty of “community” and how it can empower and change our lives.  I am firm believer that it is through community that we began to understand our authenticity, our imperfections and most importantly, where we belong.  Pursing a creative career and using the Instagram platform as my primary platform has allowed me to see that the number of women who desire community and have the wildest dreams is far greater than I could have ever imagined.

With “community” being such a BUZZ word in the female entrepreunurial community, I am SO excited to tell you all about the BELONG Tour – an amazing event coming to cities across the country in 2016! The event features a wonderful lineup of inspirational women that you will definitely want to hear and learn from! These writers, musicians, athletes, poets and friends are not afraid to get real – even when reality isn’t pretty. You’ll hear their stories, learn from their insights, and get wisdom on how to navigate your own journey. You will share with very regular women who, like you, are doing their best to live life fully.

Because if we’re honest with ourselves, we can probably all admit to feeling some kind of displacement. Single while watching all your friends marry off and start families? A busy, often frazzled mom with to-do lists a mile long while your social media friends seemingly have it all together? A recent college grad, or a now-empty nester, just trying to figure out what’s next? Yeah, we know how all of those things are. It’s easy to feel unsettled or uncertain, and sometimes figuring it all out isn’t so easy.

Well this event is for you. Yes, ALL of you. BELONG is bringing women together so that they can each embrace their stories with courage and honor. BELONG is a wide and open space for women to share, heal, connect, learn…AND LAUGH. BELONG will be an experience that challenges you to dive in to your truth and explore you who are at your core—the things that energize you, who and what matter most, and how to live out the fullness of who you were designed to be.

This event isn’t like any other event you’ve ever experienced. It’s called BELONG, because you DO. Everyone is invited. Nobody is excluded. No matter your age or stage,–if you’ve got it all together or are piecing together a string of messes–BELONG is YOUR place, where you’ll find your people.

Here are the details…and why you really do not want to miss this amazing, one of a kind event – created for YOU.

The BELONG Tour is a Friday night and Saturday experience that challenges women to open their hearts, experience connection, and ROCK their purposes.  The tour will be headlined by Patsy Clairmont, Angela Davis, Jen Hatmaker, Sharon Irving, Shauna Niequist, and Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Nichole Nordeman – a diverse group of highly sought after authors, speakers, and artists. Together, these women have authored nearly 30 books and have inspired millions of women through speaking engagements, blogs, television shows, musical artistry, and more. Their stories – deeply honest and frequently hilarious, will inspire you and meet you.

Special musical guests JOHNNYSWIM will join the team for the first seven cities, just before heading out on their own tour. And I am quite certain they will be wheeling  new tunes from their latest album Georgica Pond…woot woot.

The BELONG Tour will be hitting up 12 cities, with COLUMBUS, OH being their first stop!  The Columbus Pit Stop will be on August 19th-20th at the Nationwide Arena downtown. Tickets start at $79 for the two-day event and guess what? I have coupon code for $20 off and it is 20LOVE. I highly encourage you to make an investment on yourself, your future and your mindset and attend this event. I have a pretty positive feeling you will leave refreshed, recharged and ready to chase your dreams with a bit more tenacity! Also, I will be there because I too need a bit of refreshing. I sure hope you can meet there because it is going to be a ROCKING time.

If you want more specific information about the BELONG Tour, check out their website or simply shoot me an e-mail using this contact form. I would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have!



This post is kindly brought to you by BELONG Tour.


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