Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and Read

Cheers to FOUR Years! | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

Wowzers. I’m really finding it hard to believe that I’ve been doing this blogger thang for FOUR YEARS this week. It’s kinda surreal to be honest. When I started my blog, I had clear direction, but at the same token, I did not. It’s been amazing to see how organically this physical blog spot has grown, as well as how I have grown personally. Rather than writing a super duper sappy post about how blogging has changed me for the better, I thought you guys would find it much more inspiring to know some of the life lessons blogging has taught me. And boy, has it taught me a lot of them. I could probably write a book on ALL the things I’ve learned thus far, but for now, here’s 7 little nuggets for you to tuck away:

1.Consistency is the name of the game. 

One of the most important things that blogging has affirmed, is that consistency is the name of the game. No matter what you choose to do in life you must be consistent and passionately pursue it, as that is the only way you will ever see true results.

2.It’s ok to disconnect and recharge. 

While it is nice to go a million miles per hour and get things done, it is also nice to disconnect and recharge. So, give yourself permission to have a day off or week off from blogging and all the other tiny tasks that come with it. Nine times out of ten you will return to your blogging pursuit feeling recharged and inspired.

3.There is always more work to be done. 

This  goes hand in hand with Number 2, so go ahead and take that break. Literally, there will always be more work to be done. Because of this very note, it is important to give yourself working parameters so you avoid frequent burnouts. Pace yourself. If you do not get it done today, know that there is always tomorrow.

4. Patience, patience and more patience. 

To find success, you must have patience, patience and more patience. What takes some 5 months to achieve, may take you 14 months to achieve. No big deal. You are simply writing your story, so be patient with the process. You never know how your story will inspire someone else.

5. You are always better with a team. 

Its inevitable. You have weaknesses. Because of those weaknesses you are better off with a team. Rather than have a “I can do it myself” attitude about everything, acknowledge your weaknesses and rely on your team to help you make things achievable.

6. Do not compare yourself to other bloggers. 

Comparing yourself to someone never makes for a positive experience, so resist the human urge and not do it. Ultimately, comparing yourself to other bloggers will do nothing but make you feel inferior.

7. Always believe in yourself. 

While some days it is tough, always believe in yourself.  If you do not genuinely believe that you have what it takes to be in this industry, without a shadow of a doubt you will not make it. If you can’t consistently believe in yourself, then how can you expect anyone else to? The truth is that you can’t.

So, cheers to FOUR YEARS. Without a doubt this has been my most successful year yet. I’m so excited to see how God will continue to grow this pursuit!

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