All About The Mock Neck {+ a giveaway}

All About The Mock Neck {+ a giveaway}

Hey there guys and HAPPY TUESDAY! Oh, and Happy November 1st. I cannot even believe we are starting November today. Like…where the heck did time GO? Before you know it, we’ll all be talking about New Years. Blah. Slow down time, slow down.

I know Tuesday isn’t a “normal” blog post day, but I wanted to hop on here and share two things!

Firstly, the images above are a quick sneak peek from a recent blog post that I whipped up for Meijer Style and as you may have noticed…it’s all about the mock necks! I’m sharing some of my personal sentiments on the trend, as well as THREE differents you can rock it this fall. So, be sure to check it out HERE when you have a quick moment. The one paragraph is pretty fun, if I do say so myself. haha.

And secondly, it’s time for a fabulous giveaway! With it being November {aka holiday season}, I’ve teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers to give YOU a chance to win: $500 in PayPal Cash for the holidays! Simply enter below by completing the rafflecopter. You’ll receive one entry per completion.
This giveaway is open internationally and runs until 11/15. Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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