Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read


Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

Blush Like Love | Live Love and Read

IMG_3155ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

Despite my disdain for wearing pink, black and red on Valentine’s Day, I felt it was only fair that I still do a post celebrating the colors of love! After all, they are great colors. hehe. In hopes of adding a little “unexpected” to this Valentine’s Day inspired look, I decided to go with blush pink instead of the traditional loud hues of pink. Don’t get me wrong, I love loud pinks, but there is just something about a soft blush color that screams ROMANTICAL (yes, that’s a word that I made up). As of late, I’ve been feeling the urge to go back to my no excessive spending days, so I decided to shop my closet for a little blush something, something. I ended up pulling this beautiful blush dress I snagged while in Las Vegas for Miss America a couple of years back. I cannot tell you the last time I wore this dress before now. I’m sure it’s been at least two years…so basically its new!

To give this dress more of an evening look, I decided to pair it with a basic black blazer from F21. Yet another item that I’ve had forever! The tan color in the stripe detailing led me to adding a tan slingback and of course the Gigi New York uber clutch. For finishing touches, I added a little razzle dazzle shine with ILY Couture statement earrings and a nude lip. All in all this look took me maybe 8 minutes to assemble and I didn’t spend one cent, as I repurposed clothing I already had. Yay!

So, you just keep on buying with intention so, when special moments like these (aka Valentine’s Day) arrive, you can simply shop your closet and spend that extra moo la on a romantical evening with your love. In fact, that’s what I did! We are taking off Friday to enjoy a few of our favorite things. Not to worry, I will share details post Valentine’s Day, as it’s a surprise for Jason! I am the worst surpriser ever and I’ve actually managed to keep all of the details under wraps, with the exception of one thing…

Any who, I’m done rambling! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day and know that if you haven’t purchased that special outfit yet…you may not need to.

“Collect moments not things.” 

                                           -Aarti Khurana

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