Change of Plans | Live Love and Read

Change of Plans | Live Love and Read

Change of Plans | Live Love and Read

Change of Plans | Live Love and Read

Change of Plans | Live Love and Read

Change of Plans | Live Love and Read


Change of Plans | Live Love and Read

Change of Plans | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

I’m a preplanner. In fact, I’m a freakish preplanner! For all intents and purposes, I’m a walking calendar…just ask my husband. While it is impressive, it is equally scary. My preplanning tendencies not only affect my work, but also how I dress, what I wear when, etc. October was mad busy for the Reads. I cannot even begin to name all of the commitments we were committed to for the month. Knowing that things would be rather busy, I took it upon myself to outfit plan for more than the majority of October on one Monday afternoon. And when I say outfit plan, I mean, looks for the blog, looks for events, causal Insta looks…EVERYTHING. And yes, it is quite possible that you haven’t even seen photos of those looks yet…#sad. Any who, one afternoon while doing a little window shopping at H&M, I found the most perfect patterned dress and fringed vest that I knew I had to have for Fashion Week Columbus…the only problem was that I had preplanned my finale show look. I probably spent a good 20 mintues in the dressing room trying to decide if I should purchase the look or just stay with my prescheduled style plans. As a planner, there is nothing one could hate more than being late or breaking preplanned plans! Total type A personality. As you can conclude, I ended up purchasing the look. While I know this post talks about a change of plans with clothing, I just wanted to share this story in hopes of shedding some light on being flexible. Despite how organized/preplanned/structured you may be, it is always important to maintain an element of flexiblity. Sometimes I get so caught up in following the day-to-day details outlined in my planner, that I forget to live in the moment and enjoy the simplicity of life…like taking time to watch an episode of NCIS with my hubsand during lunch or grabbing coffee with a friend during a crazy week or taking an extra workout class during the week just because I want to. “Changing” things up every now and then is completely ok. In fact, its totally normal.


“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

– Joseph Campbell

Get The Look:


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