Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read

Dakota | Live Love and Read ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

There are two things that I REALLY love…finding an awesome dress at a great price and monthly membership boxes!

As of lately, I have noticed that my style has really taken a liking to dresses. This is kinda weird for me to admit, but I always thought that I was more of a jeans girl. However, my current style says the completely opposite. While I used to typically look at bottoms first while shopping, I now immediately gravitate to the dresses. I love a good dress. And speaking of good dresses, let me tell you about a super cute online boutique that always has great dresses…Sosie. Not only are the dresses on trend, but they are incredibly affordable, which as you know is incredibly important to me! Just a month ago I acquired some extra spending money and decided that I was gonna find me a nice dress and a pair of mules. Shortly after making this decision, I received my weekly promotional e-mail from Sosie featuring the Dakota Tunic Dress. At that moment, I knew that was my dress. Without hesitation I ordered it and I must say…I LOVE IT! The shade of blue, the shape, the length…absolute perfection. And as you can see, I also found a great pair of mules. These babies are from Target…$35.99…and they come in black!

Just in case you haven’t noticed, monthly membership boxes have become the latest rave these days. I am already a Birchbox addict and now I’m a Rocksbox addict. I love jewelry, but at times I can be incredibly indecisive in determining if I REALLY like something or not. Simply put, Rocksbox is an answer to an indecisive girl’s prayer. Each month, Rocksbox sends you a beautifully curated box based off your style personality. During that month, you get to take the pieces you received for a test drive…if you like them, you keep them and your card on file is charged; if you don’t like it, you can return the items and await your next box. This month one of the items I received was this beautiful Perry Street Sophia Bracelet and I absolutely love it. I feel confident in saying that I just may be keeping this piece. Does Rocksbox sound like something you would love? If so, it’s your special day! Use code liveloveandreadxoxo at www.rocksbox.com and unlock 1 free month of Rocksbox membership!

Get The Look:


  1. First- you’re stunning! Second- that dress is a dream! I’ve been trying on those shoes at target for months now but haven’t committed! Lol. I think I may have to snag them.

  2. Love the shoes. I saw them at Target a few days ago!

    I am going to check out Sosie. Never heard of it. I usually gravitate toward dresses too. They are easy, comfortable and super feminine.

    Love the bracelet – the concept seems similar to Le Tote. If you haven’t heard of Le Tote, check it out!

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