Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and Read

Denim Dan | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

Today, I am headed down to Georgia for one of my childhood best friends’ wedding (her name is Meagan)! In excitement of seeing all of my friends from middle school and high school, I began to reminisce on the good ole days. I cannot believe that I have been out of high school for seven years! Yes, seven years. It’s funny to think about all of the grand plans we had and compare them to what actually happened. haha. Oh, the joys of growing up and coming to my senses.

Any who, when I was in 10th grade, Meagan, Taylor (the MOH of Meagan’s wedding and a close friend of mine) and I took Geometry with Mrs. Burrell. The three of us sat together along with two guys, Tripp and Brett. Well, Tripp and Brett were absolutely hilarious. Always cracking jokes and goofing around. My not so fondest memory of these two knuckleheads was when they gave me the nickname Denim Dan. One day I had decided to wear light blue jeans, a cute tank and a dark blue denim jacket. Obviously, I thought it was super cute or I would not have worn it. However, by the time Geometry class ended, I soooo badly wished that I had not worn denim on denim. You see, Tripp and Brett never let anything go. They knew how to run a joke into the ground and that is exactly what they did with Denim Dan. ha. While being called Denim Dan for the remainder of my high school career annoyed the snot out of me, I secretly found it hilarious. But I wanted to share this story, because I honestly think this is where my distain for blue began. Yup, being called Denim Dan turned me off of blue. Soooo high school.

So the other day, as I was outfit prepping, I decided it was time to pay homage to the Denim Dan incident and re-embrace the color blue! I’ve been wearing it a lot lately and realized that I extremely like it! In fact, I think I LOVE it. Mustard yellow (my #1 favorite color to wear) better watch out, because I may start cheating with blue…hehe.

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