Another day of late summer style.

It’s no surprise, but I have amazingly long legs. My legs are so long that I often steer clear of wearing “mini” anything. But with chambray everything being so popular, I had to go for this mini denim dress from Tobi (that is currently on sale). One of the things that I enjoy doing with my looks is taking very similar concepts and recreating them. So yes, you may recall elements of this look from THIS POST, but I took the concept and completely recreated it. As you are growing your wardrobe and personal style, I encourage you to NOT be afraid of readapting looks and changing them just a touch. When it comes to being stylish, know that creativity is KEY. And also know that creativity does not necessarily mean over thinking things. Put forth a little effort in the thinking department and I can almost guarantee the rest will come ever so naturally.

Get The Look: 


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