Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and Read

Flares @ Lindey's | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

Just in case you haven’t noticed, I have a major thing for flare jeans! Bell bottoms used to be my jam in middle and high school…so, I basically feel like I’m reliving my youth…haha. Any who, I’m super excited for Thanksgiving this week! I’m currently in Boston doing some social media training with a client and then I’ll be headed to Ashtabula for the remainder of the week to be with Jason’s family!

It’s currently 12:23 AM and I’m lacking major inspiration {this is just me being honest and I think honesty is good}, so I’m just gonna keep this post short and sweet. Sometimes more is less! Per the ususal, thank you for reading and commenting : ) It truly means more than you know! Oh yes, I’m co-hosting a pretty wonderful giveaway via Instagram. Check it out HERE if you have a moment!

Happy Monday!!

Get The Look: 


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