Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and Read

Floral Bliss Repeat | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES Kimberly J Photography

I’m sure for a few of you, this dress looks familiar! And yes, you’ve seen it before HERE. Contrary to popular belief, style bloggers/influencers actually were the same pieces more than once. As grounded as I try to keep myself, it can be hard to remember that it’s ok to wear the same things when all of society is telling you that you need the new this and the new that. So, as I am preparing my last few looks to close the summer season, I decided to just be practical and repurpose from my existing wardrobe. Granted, everyone in retail is currently hosting summer clearance sales, but I could not justify going to spend anymore moo la on new dresses when I have a closet full that just need a little tender love and restyling.

As these last summer days pass us by, I just wanted to encourage you yet again to shop from within your wardrobe. Sometimes it can be much more satisfying than spending $10 here or $25 there. I know, I know…you’ve heard me preach this a million and one times before, but sometimes we all need a friendly reminder…including myself.


Get The Look: 



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