Along with wearing black and white EVERYTHING, my mom always wore ponchos during the fall and winter months. Again, one of those things I vowed to never wear when I grew up, but here I am 15 years later wearing the exact same thing. ha. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. For about the last year or so, I’ve been on a huge shrug/poncho/oversized scarves (or I guess I should say, oversized anything) kick and my addiction is only getting worse. I need more closet space. Any who, just a few weeks ago Jan Cooke, a sweet lady from church and a loyal Live Love and Read follower, asked me if I would be interested in looking through a pile of giveaway clothes. Of course I said yes, because I’ve come to learn that one person’s junk can be another person’s treasure. And boy did I find some treasures, including this beautiful, unworn, grey poncho from American Eagle! #winning








Grey  ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography


I’ve always been a fan of the “less is more” concept, but over the past couple of weeks I have found a new appreciation for it. My time is currently stretched sooooo thin, that the last thing I want to do is spend hours and hours outfit planning, which enviably happens, as that’s the nature of my job. Ya know, styling and blogging. So, whenever I find the opportunity to be simplistic in my styling, I take full advantage! For this particular look, I wanted the poncho to be the focal point. To achieve that, I had to be minimalistic in my other choices. Hence the classic white button down, dark jeans and faux suede slingback pumps (from Forever 21. Yes, you heard me right! The best $29 I’ve ever spent). To give the look a little flavor, I added the geometric earrings, which naturally pulls the eye to the poncho. And of course, no look is complete without a little handbag action.

Today’s encouragment? Two things:

1. Just know that the day is coming when you will be wearing some of the same things as your mother! That’s just how fashion works. It’s one big cycle!

2. Never be too prideful to accept someone’s hand me downs. Let’s be honest, money doesn’t grow on trees and the cost of clothing is increasing by the day! I personally believe that we are tested in the little things before we are given the big things : ) Be humble!

xoxo, CR

P.S. I’m preparing holiday looks and gift guides! Is there anything specific (style wise or gifts) that you gals are looking for? If so, drop a comment below and I’ll try my hardest to find it for ya!


Get The Look Details:



  1. Awesome!!…I feel so honored that you used an item that I gave you in your blog!!!….I will also keep an eye out on other stylish things and pass them along to you!…Since meeting you, when I’m shopping for clothing and accessories, I ask myself, “what would Candace think about this piece?”….I feel more fashionable being your friend!!!…Thank you!!!

  2. I would like to see some NYE looks that are non sequin. Stores are flooded with shiny sequin yet again. I’d love to see a classic timeless NYE look. ☺

  3. Lol, the same thing happens with me and my mom. She once told me to get oversized glasses and I said “No Way, Jose!” Now… I can’t think of getting anything but oversized glasses T_T Great poncho!

  4. I agree with the New Year’s Eve idea. I’m so tired of seeing sequins and glitter and all shiny things. Not that I’m hating on any of those things! 🙂 But I would like to see something classic and still sticking to the celebration theme without looking tacky 🙂

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